Awareness of cultural diversity through awareness training.
Welcome To Providence Empower
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Our Vision

Providence Empowerment Project was founded in 2015. Providing Public programs to help strengthen communities by promoting life-skills and wellness training. Our goal is to develop an awareness of cultural diversity through awareness training. Provide Summer Tutoring, Mentoring, Vocational development.
Our Mission

We also promote empowering families in underprivileged communities. One of our programs that we’ve established is called,” R.I.T.E. (Restoring integrity, truth and education). Cultivating relationships between the youth and parents with mentors. Concentrating efforts on disadvantaged youth who may come from single parent homes that have been infiltrated by gang related activities, teen parents, adjudicated youth and high school drop-outs. We believe that a large number of these problems could be reduced if there were wholesome youth activities such as more summer programs. Innovative, technology -based approaches to youth mentoring and education.

Providence Empowerment Project
The time you invest in yourself is a necessary discipline to further and sustain your vision. We can all lose money, homes, cars and such, but many who have lost everything and had the comeback story of overcoming the odds and having great success. Donald Trump lost millions in the 80’s making some bad business decision, despite all the money he lost. He had one thing in common with Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Edison, and Martin Luther King Jr. The ability to stay motivated and stay the course with focus utilizing the tools they possessed. They were committed in the areas of their lives, worth protecting from disappointment and despair.
Constantly replacing it with clear focused creativity with focused inspiration. ”YOUR GOAL IS WORTH ANY INVESTMENT NECESSARY TO CREATE THE ATOMSPHERE THAT KEEPS YOU MOTIVATED”. (2013)M.M.